Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Meditation aids magical working

An important part of magical development is the ability to meditate, and also to make it a regular part of your daily practice. For many, the art of meditation is often seen as a way to relieve the stress and strain of modern life. That is certainly true and I won’t attempt to dispute that claim. I have used meditation on many occasions in my life to calm and centre myself. However, meditation has more to offer on so many levels. For the purpose of this blog post I will focus on the magical elements of this skill.
A central and fundamental part of Wiccan practice, and our ability to use magic, is the power of visualisation and intent. It’s where the physical manifestation of magic and spells start. You need to be able to visualise life as if the spell has done its work and you (or a friend or loved one) are feeling the benefits. It’s not about a casual glimpse; it’s about really focusing and creating that scene in every minute detail. Who is in the scene, what are they wearing, where is the scene set, is it night or day, hot or cold, can you smell anything in the air? It has to be at that level of detail, and for most this ability is something that needs to be honed and developed over time. It’s just like working your muscles in a gym to get a fit and toned body.
So, where possible, take five or ten minutes out of your day to relax and meditate. Imagine a scene and build it up in your mind; it could be a forest glade, or a beach. Start off by creating the general scene, and then each day, add new details. For example, are there wild flowers on the ground? What colour are they? Try bending down to smell them. You’ll be surprised how quickly you can develop your visualisation skills with daily meditation.
When you’ve mastered this skill you might want to build a place that will become a centre of power on the astral plane. For me, I have a forest temple set in a thick grove, complete with ancient, crumbled stone walls covered in vines and moss. It’s here that I communicate with my guides, and sometimes, any Gods who wish to pass on guidance and wisdom. I also use this temple to raise energy and work magic on the astral plane which is often very powerful.
Have fun with your meditation exercises, spend time to develop your visualisation skills and don’t get dis-heartened if for the first few times things don’t go your way. They will eventually!
Love and light,

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