Tuesday 23 March 2010

Spring Equinox in Sherwood Forest

Once again the wheel has turned and Ostara graced us with her loving presence this weekend. This year I had the honour of being able to celebrate the return of spring with my friends in the Spiral Dance – a group of Pagan Witches that I regularly work and socialise with.

We headed into the older part of Sherwood Forest at 4:30pm; it was a crisp spring evening with a slight chill in the air. A drizzle of rain drenched the trees, filtering through slowly to the forest floor. Un-deterred, our little group headed into the forest and made our way to the old tree that we found last summer. As with our Solstice celebration, we got the feeling that we were welcome. We were surprised to see the untouched remnants of the offerings we left behind at Summer Solstice.

A circle was cast in the clearing and the familiar warmth, and quieting of the world outside descended on us. A few prayers were said to give thanks and to welcome new beginnings and we had a discussion about the past few months. It was amazing the level of energy feeding into our circle from the forest, and we were surrounded by spirits, some of whom made their presence visibly known.

As the light began to fade, we finished by blessing some sunflower seeds that they will grow as our wishes for new beginnings grow in our lives. Each of us then planted the seeds in small pots to take home. The circle was closed and we headed to my house for an evening of feasting and merriment.

Whatever you did for your Ostara celebrations I hope they were peaceful and enlightening.

Blessed Be!


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